Filming in Spain is drawing ever closer. La Voz de Almeria
reports that workers are constructing tents in the area of El Chorrillo
Sierra Alhamilla in Pechina, as the set pieces are readied for action.
Meanwhile, with only two weeks to go, Los Siete Reinos has done their research and has the full battery of dates and times for filming in all the different Spanish locations that we know so far. Some of these we knew already from the dates listed for the hopeful extras who tried out for a spot in the production last month. Some are new. Let’s run them down.
Meanwhile, with only two weeks to go, Los Siete Reinos has done their research and has the full battery of dates and times for filming in all the different Spanish locations that we know so far. Some of these we knew already from the dates listed for the hopeful extras who tried out for a spot in the production last month. Some are new. Let’s run them down.
- Girona: September 3-18th. This we already knew from the casting calls. The big news is that LSR states that Girona is confirmed to be standing in not only for Braavos, but also for King’s Landing. Sorry Dubrovnik. Looks like you guys really are losing out this year.
- Castell de Santa Florentina, in Barcelona: September 9-22nd. This is one of the later areas that was confirmed for filming after the extra casting dates were over. This one is a major deal, because it’s a huge old castle. Also, note that the majority of the filming dates overlap with the Girona filming, which suggests that the cast who will be filming here are a completely separate unit than those filming in Girona. Also, there are no extras cast for this area, so whatever is happening here is completely self contained, cast wise. LSR has said they are in contact with the staff and hope to have more updates soon on what this area will be used for.
- Navarra: September 20-25th. This is another one we knew from the extra casting. There’s only five days of filming in this desert landscape, with an extra casting call requirement list that suggested Dothraki types. This will almost certainly involve Dany’s new Khalasar.
- Castillo de Zafra (Campillo de Dueñas, Guadalajara): September 28-30th. The Tower of Joy. I think I just freaked out from excitement just typing that. This all-important flashback scene will film over the last three days in September, with no overlapping with other locations. LSR points out that much of the actual scene probably won’t be filmed there—it’ll just be used for exterior shots and scenes. BUT STILL. *freaks out some more*
- Peñíscola (Castellón): October 1-9th. This is the third location we knew about from the extra casting. We’re not sure what this location stands in for, but the extra descriptions most certainly make is an Essos one. This is also the location where the casting call specifically for infants was for.
- Almería: October 10-23rd. The final shooting dates for Spain will happen in the area of Almería. This is also suggested to be Essos area, with the casting call for dark skinned types, suggesting this could be another area of Dothraki filming. Whatever it is, they’re going to be there for most of the month, so there’s going to be a lot of this area featured next season.
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